Did you know that JStor recently released 6 Tips about Academic Writing for #AcWriMo Visit Source: https://daily.jstor.org/6-tips-for-academic-writing-acwrimo/ By: Charles Thaxton November 9, 2017 "November isn’t just a month to write that novel you’ve been meaning to (for #NaNoWriMo )—it’s also time to finally get that bibliography together, file away that chapter, or dive into your upcoming term paper. November is #AcWriMo (Academic Writing Month), too! We’ve gathered a few helpful tips for your scholarly writing—with academic citations of course. 1. Before You Write—Read The best practice before writing a research paper? Doing your reading. Finding high quality sources is foundational to any academic paper. Browse scholarly journals (maybe on, say, JSTOR?) and books from university and scholarly presses. Obviously your school library is a major resource here, and research librarians from within your discipline are great people to talk...
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